(616) 356-2545 15 Ionia Ave. SW, Suite 220 - Grand Rapids, MI 49503

Our Team

Team IF is comprised of multifaceted ‘new media’ developers in its truest sense, with extensive experience in print and presentational media, as well as video, interactive programming, multimedia installation development and all aspects of internet access, networking, design and hosting.

Our expertise encompasses a wide array of custom business solutions that range from interactive web sites, database application systems to dynamic database driven Web applications to dynamic e-commerce systems. Our focus is to enable organizations to utilize cutting edge technology, when appropriate, to efficiently create practical business solutions that empower them to achieve their goals in a timely, cost effective manner.

Our outstanding research and development team includes professionals in computer sciences, computational mathematics, engineering and more and is ready to do the best for your success in the competitive marketplace.

ifi-tedTed Bailey

CEO/CVO and Founder

Ted has proven strategic management, technology application, training, critical path and force field analysis core capabilities. He has a unique ability to analyze needs, distil information from various sources and synthesize into a cohesive project implementation plan. Ted has an established experience in all facets of business management including R&D, operations, finance, sales, and marketing.

A recognized expert in the varied areas of interactive multimedia design/development, art direction, A/V production, network (local area/internet/intranet/extranet), presentational and learning technologies.

Ted has been on the Board of Directors of several corporations including an ISP, a member in a number of professional industry associations and adjunct faculty for several colleges and universities. He passed up the opportunity to be vice chairperson of the Duck Breeders Society of Northern New England to start up the Imagination Factory – hence the “quack like a duck” in our earlier voicemail system.

Ted currently has over 20 years involvement in several BNI (Business Networking International) chapters. A high percentage of our annual new business comes from client and BNI referrals. During those years, he has held numerous leadership positions including several years as chapter president. Want to learn more? BNI NOW!

His involvement in computers and design dates back to 1970. He designed and developed the first computer graphics curriculum for a design college in West Michigan in 1980. Besides numerous (20+ at last count) computer languages, he speaks several foreign human languages helping to ensure that your project is properly globalized.

ifi-kateKate McCrindle

VP/Creative Director

Kate is a dedicated, deadline-driven, creative yet convergent thinker, pragmatic & sensitive to good fiscal stewardship.

Experienced in design & execution of successful campaigns — physical to electronic — for non-profit, membership-based and private enterprises; academic credentials in critical communications theory & research, experienced in planning and administering long-range marketing plans, trade campaigns and public service outreach.

Experienced across media formats and superior at scripting/ copywriting, art direction and production in both print and electronic. Hard skills include photography, film processing, cinematography in 16 mm, SVHS, and digital and audio mixing.

Growing experience in the museum & historical reproduction/ commission field through industry participation and project management with Da Vinci Division. Extensive success in bringing products to market by garnering distributors globally and developing supply network. Familiar with rights and licensing issues and excellent in developing strategic partnerships.

Experienced in maintaining trade accounts and managing detailed budgets & schedules for projects.

ifi-mikeMike McCrindle

UI Design and Lead Developer

Mike is our lead UI designer/programmer and multimedia content producer. Mike holds a BFA from the University of Michigan’s prestigious PAT program, which includes multi-media design, editing, programming and production.

He is highly experienced in various multimedia platforms, with experience as editor, graphic designer, video, web and music producer. His pixel-perfect attention to detail and his innovative approach to troubleshooting code leads to best-in-class solutions.

ifi-zachZach Johnson

UI Design/Lead Developer

Zach marries his artistic and technical background to build engaging user experiences across many media platforms. As a member of the coding/development team, he deploys current front-end coding best-practices in every aspect of his work. Zach also puts his facility with data to work on projects with robust elements. This allows us to quickly and efficiently build uniquely tailored solutions from basic wireframes and UI mock-ups to fully functional CMS website implementations.

Zach also contributes to our content-marketing and graphic design services for digital, print, blogging and branded email.

ifi-pixxlPixel McBailey, D.S.A.

Wireless Doorbell, Sr. Mascot, and Morale Officer

Pixel is our wireless doorbell and early delivery notification system. Graduate from dog scouts of america (yeah, there really such a thing complete w/ merit badges designed to wear the parents out).

At a tail over 4 years old, IFI’s Sr. mascot, watch dog (he’ll watch you do pretty much anything), and class cut-up, this Portuguese Water Dog can already swim (he has webbed feet), sit, stay, fetch, tug, shake paws, ring bells to go out, high-five (high-ten if you happen to be another dog), and grab your arm in a bear-hug.

He likes rhinos, squirrels, hedgehogs, frogs, dragons and octopuses (all stuffed varieties) and teasing his brother, Pico, with them, long walks (albeit not necessarily getting caught in the rain), chasing fireflies. Pixel loves salmon and sardines – go figure.

His Favourite Quote: Outside of a Dog, a man’s best friend is a book. Inside a dog it’s too dark to read.

ifi-picoPico McBailey, D.S.A. aka Woodstock

Jr. Mascot, Morale Officer and Fun Instigator

Pico (smaller than a Pixel) is the newest addition to our staff. He’s a graduate from puppy school (ya know getting signed up and accepted is like getting your child into Harvard pre-school – jeez) AND recently joined Pixel in the ranks of Dog Scouts of America.

At now, just 1 1/2 years old, IFI’s newest mascot, helper dog (he’ll help, err be underfoot when, you do pretty much anything), and class cuddler, this Moyen Canishe (We refuse to say ‘poodle’) can swim (he also has webbed feet), sit, stay (sorta), tug, shake paws, sing the song of his clan (especially when you knock or ring a doorbell), and grab your arm in a bear-hug.

As you can see he likes chipmunks, squirrels, hedgehogs, dragons and bunnies (all stuffed varieties), long bounding walks (in all weather), chasing fireflies. Like his brother, Pixel, loves salmon – go figure.

His Favourite Quote: If you can’t eat it or play with it, just pee on it and walk away.

Imaginary Staff

Our founder is unwilling to part with his “imaginary staff” because it entertains him to no end when folks call asking for “Ida Noe.”

Customer Service – Kurt Reply, Warren T. Myfutt, Eileen Yorweigh, Haywood Jabuzoff, & Yvonne Apeesamey

Estimators – Ida Noe, Costa Grand, Al Mussdun & Kanwee Adenauer

Production Control – Luke Bizzee

Project Archives – D.J. Vue

Quality Assurance – Nat Sass, Phyllis Steen & Luke Guud

Research – Ella Fynoe & Noah Vale

Accounts Payable – Imelda Czech

Accounts Receivable – Bill M. Moore

Credit Dept. – Fred Knott

Human Resource – Les Moody, Les Stern, Xavier Breth & Tara Newone

Purchasing – Lois Bidder

Security – Barb Dwyer, Ewen Whadarmee, Euripedis Upman

Insurance – C.F.I. Kare

Legal – Dewey, Cheetham & Howe

Network Geeks – Colin Bakslash, Dot Matrex & Ivana Lazar

Tax Accountant – Lou Pole

Transportation – Denton Fender & Rick Shaw

Interns – Dewey Hafta & Gladys Overnow

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