(616) 356-2545 15 Ionia Ave. SW, Suite 220 - Grand Rapids, MI 49503
SEO, Social Media and Online marketing services depicted by letters on a white backgroundSEO, Social Media and Online marketing services depicted by letters on a white background

Analytics & Competitor Reporting

Close-up of web analytics data showing real-time visitors on website with data on white background.Analytics and Competitor reporting form the key foundation for any future digital marketing program, so we recommend starting here to understand your existing audience, visitor behavior and flow on your site, and competitor strength. Since each of our clients is unique, the tools used to create a qualitative and quantitative review will be different, but the core starter set of data will be culled from Google Analytics.

We will review your analytics and user behavior, goal conversions, and impression share plus compile and interpret/track results from any other vendor reports such as Mlive, Adwords and Lead Forensics. If you are a candidate for our Performance SEO service, we will also conduct keyword research and use our software to give an overview of competitor activity.

As your webmaster, we are uniquely equipped to interpret your analytics and review campaign performance. Our analytics and reporting services are available ad hoc or by retainer, and can be tailored to your needs and budget.

Sounds neat! Let's talk.

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  • Where is IFI?
  • PageRank