(616) 356-2545 15 Ionia Ave. SW, Suite 220 - Grand Rapids, MI 49503

SOCS – Suite Online Catering System

Looking for a way to increase catering revenue and profitability for your suites? Make the move from printed paper to online ordering with SOCS!

For many restaurants online ordering now represents 30% of the daily takeaway ordering (Cowen and Company Research Report) and the number keeps growing. Today, more people than ever order online thanks to the smartphones and tablets. Studies show that about 69% of customers order food online using a mobile device (Interactive Advertising Bureau and Viggle). Why shouldn’t your club AND your fans benefit from the same trend?

  • First, your fan can order their suite food when they have time to do so 24/7.
  • Also, your fans are able to customize their order without errors in communication between them and the person taking the order.

No matter how good you are, offline ordering has limitations that do not exist online. Online ordering doesn’t just benefit your fans, here’s how it can help your club.

  • Your club is able to take more orders with fewer staff.
  • Your club does not need someone to be on the phone to take the order. Your fan can take as long as they need to decide.
  • The fan’s order can go straight to the kitchen, but can still be retrieved at any time.
  • Online ordering is “greener” by saving paper.
  • Online menus are more easily customizable and simpler to manage.
  • Online reporting can provide valuable data for inventory management and future menu planning.

Besides food ordering, does it address security, service fees, gratuities, and taxes?

Yes, we’ve got you covered. We have experience in working with numerous clubs all across the country. We’ve found that each club may have single or multiple (state, county/parish & local) tax structures. Some clubs also have different taxation requirements for food vs alcohol. A few clubs want their system access password protected, while others leave it public, but EVERYONE want it to be secure ordering. We’ve taken all that (and a few more things) in to account with SOCS.

Send us electronic copies of your logo(s), colors, and of your current approved suite menu (extra kudos if it’s in a spreadsheet) and we’ll turn it into an online version that your fans can get to from their desktop, tablet, even their smartphone.

Put your menu where your fans are and get your online order system built by web developers that have been ‘webheads’ since 1995. Click here to see a demo.

Sounds grand. Show me more!

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