(616) 356-2545 15 Ionia Ave. SW, Suite 220 - Grand Rapids, MI 49503
SEO, Social Media and Online marketing services depicted by letters on a white backgroundSEO, Social Media and Online marketing services depicted by letters on a white background

Digital Ad Campaign Design

Make Your Digital Campaigns Better with Good Design

Top of Mind Awareness depicted as bubble coming from top of head, demonstrating digital advertising created by Imagination Factory Grand Rapids MI

Targeted advertising delivers your messaging to the right user at their moment of need. We begin with identifying the right message and then we create custom creative for image ads with your specific goals in mind.

We are experienced working with behavioral targeting vendors such as Mlive, where contextual targeting can serve ads according to users search histories. This includes experience with technologies that include interactive programming and video, such as “Mixpo” ads. We can review vendor reporting and help ensure that you get the best bang for your marketing buck, auditing results through analytics. In this way, we help our top clients spend wisely and achieve transparency from vendors — and results.

We can review vendor reporting and help ensure that you get the best bang for your marketing buck, auditing results through analytics. In this way, we help our top clients spend wisely and achieve transparency from vendors — not to mention, results.

Sounds interesting. Let's get to work.

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