(616) 356-2545 15 Ionia Ave. SW, Suite 220 - Grand Rapids, MI 49503

Specialty Programming

One of the things that sets Imagination Factory apart from both “template” style web designers (who don’t program) and robust “custom development only” studios (that bill out at double or triple our rate) is that we marry open source technology with custom integration to deliver the best results for the best budget. In other words, just because we have a hammer, every project isn’t a nail. At the same time, we have the technical depth to evaluate, troubleshoot, and produce custom features and functions, on the web, in an app, on an intranet, or on a server and desktop.

So how do you know if you need a custom programmer for your website, e-commerce store, point of sale system, inventory system, customer relations management system, estimation system or other dynamic, database-driven business function?

The truth is, you might…or you might not.

That’s what one of our clients found out when, before meeting with IFI, they first received an estimate of $200,000 from a local agency for a highly interactive site – with all functions custom programmed. Our price for the same structure? $40,000. And no, we don’t offshore our work. We are entirely local and within shouting range. How did we do that? It was simple. We wrote custom integrations where needed and used open source technologies to perform many of the necessary functions, saving the client not only a small fortune on the initial development but also saving the client a lot in terms of update costs over the years. It is possible to do this when you know how to code. While all our themes are always custom written and never in a template, our websites are cost competitive and robust through seamless integration of third party APIs thanks to our technical prowess.

Here are a few of the types of custom solutions we’ve crafted:


  • Company intranets
  • Membership-based e-commerce and content access
  • Membership submission, review and profiling
  • Drip Campaign SAS integration
  • Multisite E-Commerce
  • Online Estimation System
  • Mortgage Application bridge function
  • Interactive educational programming
  • Event Ticketing
  • Auction Website
  • Firewall/Secure Area for Educational Use

Stand Alone:

  • Sales Management and CRM Software (SEAT)
  • Ticketing Software
  • POS Cafeteria Touch Screen account system
  • Asset Tracking System
  • Industry Specific Estimation program
  • Project Tracker for Manufacturing System (mini ERP)
  • Interactive Dental Education Module
  • Interactive Solar System Exhibit

Ancient Fun Stuff (We Kid You Not)

  • Our fearless leader has also distinguished himself in the fine art of LaserDisc interactives and CD-ROMs
  • Said fearless leader was also a “beta tester” for Director, the predecessor to Flash
  • It is rumored he may have invented fire

Sounds grand. Let's get to work.

Talk to Us
  • Where is IFI?
  • PageRank