(616) 356-2545 15 Ionia Ave. SW, Suite 220 - Grand Rapids, MI 49503

IFI E-Newsletter

We have been asked to share information about new developments at IFI, announce new client sites, and ask for your feedback, so we offer a subscriber-based “opt-in” mailing list. As your privacy is ALSO important, this list will NOT be sold or otherwise shared with any third party.

By entering your email, you agree to allow us to email offers, notices, requests, etc. to you as part of a branded email feature. This is completely optional.

To ensure that you are actually the person that belongs to this email address AND that you wish to be added, you will receive a confirming email from us shortly after hitting the “SUBSCRIBE” button. When you receive that email, click on the link to complete the opt-in process. If you’ve changed your mind, you need do nothing OR you may unsubscribe at any time.

  • Where is IFI?
  • PageRank