(616) 356-2545 15 Ionia Ave. SW, Suite 220 - Grand Rapids, MI 49503

Visser Brothers Construction

Construction is a complicated process. It involves dozens of companies, hundreds of people, thousands of decisions, and tens of thousands of parts all coming together in just the right order, under the right conditions, and in their proper places to create a successful end product.

Since 1960 Visser Brothers, has maintained a spirit of cooperation and teamwork on their projects, at the jobsite, in their communications, and at meetings – everywhere – in collective pursuit of the common goal.

Building a website isn’t nearly as complex as a building but there are a number of moving parts and similar coordination tasks, and when Visser wanted it done right, they came to the Imagination Factory

Click here to check out their new site.

Sounds neat. Let's get to work!

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