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Site Launch: Bagsaver

July 10th, 2013 by Ted Bailey

BagsaverLocal entreprenuers at Products That Work came to the Imagination Factory to help them launch their new product, the Bagsaver. What this meant was full campaign design services starting with their IndiGogo funding program, to developing the logos for both the Bagsaver product AND for the parent organization, Products That Work and to the necessary wholesale/retail spec sheets, product labels and packaging, and finally to not one, but two websites – one for the Bagsaver product and another for the Products That Work e-store.

The e-store was designed to support sales of not only the bagsaver product but a host of other products they that intended to develop or that are being developed by other entrepreneurs around the world. We put together a mobile-responsive design in a multi-site structure that allows for a single adminsitrative back-end and multiple faces.

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