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What is a Brand?

September 18th, 2017 by Ima Admin

So… What IS a brand?

It used to mean the symbol seared on a cow’s butt to thwart rustlers. But is a brand simply your logo?

Or is it ALL that comes to mind when you think of a person or company? When we think of Apple, we think innovation & design. Nike, we think athleticism & victory. That top of mind brain tattoo?

Recently, David Bowie died, but when we think of him, we think musician, artist, actor, and actually we think of a constantly changing brand… He was actually a master of the re-brand – from Major Tom to Ziggy Stardust to the Thin White Duke.

For many, the brand is the company. For others, its a personal brand. For some its both.

A website is quite often the first place prospective customers will encounter your brand. Sometimes before they get your business card, brochure or see you at a tradeshow.

During a discussion with a realtor colleague of mine, Brandon and I briefly discussed his unique opportunity in branding. I asked, “Are people buying a home from his firm or are they buying from Brandon or is it an equal priority?”

So when developing a website its important to know what your brand is and how to communicate that to your audience. This is something that one-size fits all templates can’t do for you – unless, of course, your brand is to be bland and just like everyone else.

What’s YOUR brand? Is it time to focus it or time for a RE-brand? Who do you know whose website isn’t communicating that brand as well as it could?

Have them call the brain tattoo folks at the Imagination Factory.

Sounds interesting. Help me out.

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