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IFI News

Designer SPAMspotting – A Rant

June 19th, 2018 by Ima Admin

I’m sure you, like many of your clients, get one of these spam/scam emails periodically. A few are legit, but most are not. Some of them, like this one (after the break) are subtle and claim to have looked or analyzed your site. Others proclaim blatantly that there is something egregiously wrong with your site and ‘they’ have a fix. Almost ALL of them are unsolicited and annoying, as in this case, where I’ve received no less than 5 duplicates of this particular email in less than 20 days AND apparently I must take time out of my day and away from my clients to actively respond to stop them.

So, let’s look at Peter and his email(s) to us…
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Neuroscience and Storytelling

January 25th, 2018 by Ima Admin

What’s Neuroscience and Storytelling Got to Do With My Website?

Let’s take a quick look at a few recent studies.

A Harvard University study determined that 95% of decision-making is subconscious and usually not logical. Neuroscientists know that certain chemicals (neurotransmitters) in our brains are responsible for those reward-motivation / fight-or-flight decisions.

A Content Marketing Institute survey revealed that almost 82% of marketers believe that “engaging and compelling storytelling” is by far the most important element to ensure effective content.

The London School of Business and Management found that customer retention for a properly-told story is 1400% higher as compared to just delivering facts and figures.
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A Branding Equation

November 30th, 2017 by Ima Admin

I’ve managed to get through most of this year without (knowingly) using algebra, not once. But I do have an equation for you…

Brand Depth + Brand Awareness = Brand Success

We’ve said previously that your brand isn’t simply your logo, although like the tip of an iceberg, its often what is seen first. The customer experience you provide, the quality of your products, and level of services you offer, are what lies below the surface and provide depth. However, depth AND awareness go hand in hand in building your success.
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Does Color Matter?

November 15th, 2017 by Ima Admin

Of course color matters! But I’m not talking about polarizing protest slogans. I’m talking about color and design.

Back in the day, designing in color was simpler – from 1905 to 1935 Crayola only gave us eight (8) colors. Now just look at all the choices in your crayon box. Lawrence Herbert saw how difficult it was for designers to communicate the language of color, so he bought the printing company, Pantone, and set things in motion to change that. Even Pantone started with just 10 colors in the early 60’s, but today has just short of 1,900 colors defined. X-Rite bought Pantone in 2007 for $180 million, so I’m safe to say that color is important!

Dorothy opened her eyes and followed a Yellow Brick Road to arrive at the Emerald City, then clicked her Ruby Red slippers to go home. Color can be used to create a sense of urgency, move us along in a direction, and provide us with information.

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A Website is a Website

October 15th, 2017 by Ima Admin

Wow, really?  That takes me back to the 60′s when we also thought a horse was a horse.. unless, of course, that horse was the famous Mr. Ed.

I suppose that if all you’re looking for is a tax write-off and/or to get the marketing department to quit bellyaching about not having one, then perhaps a static website that looks like it is from the 90′s and drives little or no traffic and generates few, if any leads will do just fine for you.

However, for the rest of you that are looking to invest in an asset that will not only build your brand, but gain you visibility, increase trust and ultimately generate more sales… then not all websites are created equal. You need your horse to be a unicorn.

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What is a Brand?

September 18th, 2017 by Ima Admin

So… What IS a brand?

It used to mean the symbol seared on a cow’s butt to thwart rustlers. But is a brand simply your logo?

Or is it ALL that comes to mind when you think of a person or company? When we think of Apple, we think innovation & design. Nike, we think athleticism & victory. That top of mind brain tattoo?

Recently, David Bowie died, but when we think of him, we think musician, artist, actor, and actually we think of a constantly changing brand… He was actually a master of the re-brand – from Major Tom to Ziggy Stardust to the Thin White Duke.

For many, the brand is the company. For others, its a personal brand. For some its both.

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Site Redesign: Imagination Factory

January 30th, 2017 by Ima Admin

jugglingIt’s finally here! The new IFI site. During 2016, Team IFI launched ~20 new client sites (several quite large with an extensive list of features); We ghost blogged through the year for six clients; We managed SOCS, our Suite Online Catering System, for a dozen minor league baseball ballclubs around the country; We handled the tradeshow support needs (design of trinkets, handouts, posters, banners, A/V shows, even tailgate flags) for several clients; We designed / produced numerous direct mail campaigns for several clients totaling over 200,000 postcards (mail merged and EDDM); we handled Adwords campaigns for a couple retained clients; we designed a variety of new logos, business cards, and newsletters for several clients; and we managed site (and server) updates/upgrades for over 50 managed client sites.

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News: Inspiration or Desperation?

October 15th, 2016 by Ima Admin

time for changeChange happens for usually one of two reasons: inspiration or desperation.

Clients wanting to have us design that first website are generally inspired, sometimes desperate to finally get online. Re-designing an existing site is often an act of desperation over a failed site or sometimes is inspired by positive changes in the clients’ business.

BTW, we look at a bad website not necessarily as a failure, just an educational experience that might not have turned out so well.
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News: What’s the ACA Have to Do with Your Website?

October 1st, 2016 by Ima Admin

ACA_180x180So you’ve probably heard of the ACA (Affordable Care Act), right? What about Section 1557 regulations and how it could affect your website?

Who knows that the deadline to have the required non-discrimination taglines, statements and notices (in the top 15 languages unique to YOUR state) posted in your office, on your primary marketing materials AND your website was October 16th, 2016?
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