(616) 356-2545 15 Ionia Ave. SW, Suite 220 - Grand Rapids, MI 49503

News: What’s the ACA Have to Do with Your Website?

October 1st, 2016 by Ima Admin

ACA_180x180So you’ve probably heard of the ACA (Affordable Care Act), right? What about Section 1557 regulations and how it could affect your website?

Who knows that the deadline to have the required non-discrimination taglines, statements and notices (in the top 15 languages unique to YOUR state) posted in your office, on your primary marketing materials AND your website was October 16th, 2016?

If you are a healthcare professional AND a client of the Imagination Factory, you did! Why? Because we began notifying our clients over a month ago of the deadline AND arranged to have the necessary information in the proper translations available and ready to be tweaked and installed on the website(s) we designed for them.

This is one of the notices we sent to our clients…

“Please NOTE, the ACA section 1557 prohibits all health programs and activities that receive Federal financial assistance from HHS from segregating, delaying or denying services or benefits based on an individual’s race, color, national origin, sex, age or disability.

The rule requires that all included practices post notices of nondiscrimination, as well as taglines in the top 15 non-English languages spoken in the state and that FREE language assistance services are available. The notices must be posted in the office, on websites and in any significant publications and communications.

It is IFI’s understanding that if you accept Medicare Advantage, Medicare C or Medicaid you are required to follow these regulations, which go into effect October 16, 2016. The absolute deadline is October 26th, 2016. If you accept Medicare B or Veterans Administration payments only, then you may not be bound to Section 1557.”

Isn’t it time to expect more from your web developer and/or marketing partner? IFI meets/exceeds expectations by having our clients’ back even well after the initial design project is over.

Here are a few of our clients that heard us and are in compliance…

http://www.cmsllc.com/non-discrimination-notice/ (CT state list)
http://www.grandvilledental.com/non-discrimination-notice/ (MI state list)
http://www.tournellfamilydentistry.com/non-discrimination-notice/ (MI state list)
http://www.ihcwestmichigan.com/non-discrimination-notice/ (MI state list)

Still need more info? Check out these resources.


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