(616) 356-2545 15 Ionia Ave. SW, Suite 220 - Grand Rapids, MI 49503

Site Re-vamp: Borgman Ford

July 25th, 2015 by Ted Bailey

IFIblog_BORG_C_smIn addition to their main new/used auto, truck and commercial vehicle site, Borgman has numerous mini-sites which we maintain on their behalf. Each mini-site focuses on a specific model or group of models, so given the numbers of Fords and Mazdas out there, you can begin to get an idea of just how numerous we’re talking.

Although designed some time ago to be mobile friendly, by your friendly neighborhood web-slingers at the Imagination Factory, changes at the various search engines dictated that we revamp ALL the sites to be even more mobile responsive.

Fortunately, when we originally designed the original structure, we had done so using a multi-site concept which deploys a single CMS engine as the back-side foundation and then allowed us to spawn each mini-site as a child of the master. This allows us to use a common master design and codeset, then easily tweak each child to be unique sites on their own even w/ their own domain name. It also reduces re-design, maintenance and update time considerably.

There are so many mini-sites, we couldn’t begin to list them all, but head over to Borgman Ford Commercial Vehicles Used Cars Grand Rapids or Grand Rapids Ford Escape and you’ll get the idea.

Sounds interesting! We should talk.

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