(616) 356-2545 15 Ionia Ave. SW, Suite 220 - Grand Rapids, MI 49503

What If?

September 27th, 2021 by Ima Admin

Many of America’s greatest innovations began with the big question, “What if…?” and the solutions were even bigger. Virtually every business, large and small started with the question, “What if…?” Often one ‘what if’ leads to other ‘what ifs’.

Let’s assume that your initial ‘what if’ led you to start a business, but your current ‘what if’ has you on the fence about the need for a website. Let me save you some time – you need one. A good one. Professionally designed to catch leads, increase sales, tell your story, differentiate you from the others – regardless of your industry. Want to know why?
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Is it Time for a Redesign?

September 17th, 2021 by Ima Admin

word graphic relating to design conceptsLike all of us, our pets, our cars & homes, websites age – some better than others. A website may become outdated, non-functional or you may have new needs/goals. Web technologies evolve, coding languages change, and site visitors expectations will increase as they become more sophisticated. Web design is a cyclic and regular process as companies change, new technologies develop and new fashions come along.

Its a smart plan to consider re-designing a site once a year, but at least once every few years. Cyber years, like dog years, are not the same as human years. An older, outdated site can look neglected and can imply poor customer service. However, the frequency of redesign depends on many site, company internal and external factors.

So, what are some common reasons for a site redesign?
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Site Redesign: Imagination Factory

January 30th, 2017 by Ima Admin

jugglingIt’s finally here! The new IFI site. During 2016, Team IFI launched ~20 new client sites (several quite large with an extensive list of features); We ghost blogged through the year for six clients; We managed SOCS, our Suite Online Catering System, for a dozen minor league baseball ballclubs around the country; We handled the tradeshow support needs (design of trinkets, handouts, posters, banners, A/V shows, even tailgate flags) for several clients; We designed / produced numerous direct mail campaigns for several clients totaling over 200,000 postcards (mail merged and EDDM); we handled Adwords campaigns for a couple retained clients; we designed a variety of new logos, business cards, and newsletters for several clients; and we managed site (and server) updates/upgrades for over 50 managed client sites.

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News: Inspiration or Desperation?

October 15th, 2016 by Ima Admin

time for changeChange happens for usually one of two reasons: inspiration or desperation.

Clients wanting to have us design that first website are generally inspired, sometimes desperate to finally get online. Re-designing an existing site is often an act of desperation over a failed site or sometimes is inspired by positive changes in the clients’ business.

BTW, we look at a bad website not necessarily as a failure, just an educational experience that might not have turned out so well.
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Site Redesign: Kawasaki Precision Machinery

August 22nd, 2016 by Ima Admin

IFI_Blog_KPM_552x587Kawasaki is a leading manufacturer of hydraulic systems and components. Kawasaki’s technological leadership and customer-centered philosophy is well-known around the world.

Originally designed back in late 2009/2010, the KPM-USA site had served this client well, BUT was showing its age a bit. Built before tablets & smartphones became a predominate method for surfing the web, this site needed both a facelift and some structural changes to make it more mobile responsive as well as reflect Kawasaki’s industry leadership. Besides mobile-responsiveness, the new site adds an interactive distributor locator for North & Central America as well as a private distributor only area.

To see the new look and capabilities, visit the NEW KAWASAKI USA site.

Site ReDesign: Kentwood Office Furniture

July 14th, 2016 by Ima Admin

IFIblog_KWOF_552x587Although many of our website solutions are built to serve our clients well for many years, technology continues to march forward providing new options and marketing channels of which to take advantage. At a minimum, we suggest revisiting the site design every five years or less.

Kentwood Office Furniture is the Midwest’s specialist in high quality remanufactured, used, and new office furniture and is well aware of rapidly changing environments. As a result, Kentwood Office and the Imagination Factory takes a look every 2-3 years at the site and how best to leverage the new technology and aesthetics in their site.

For your own closer inspection, visit the NEW KENTWOOD OFFICE site.

Site Launch: Facilities Resource Group

April 23rd, 2016 by Ima Admin

IFIblog_FRG_smIf you’ve been following our site blogs over the past couple years, you may recognize this continuing story.

Michigan LED lighting manufacturer first came to us to revamp the site of one of their business units and then update some of their tradeshow collateral handouts. A bit later, the parent company’s expansion led them into a merger with another similar firm in Texas which, in turn, led to a substantial re-branding effort and a call for the Imagination Factory to handle the online re-branding efforts.

Now that much of the dust has settled on the re-branding, we come full circle, and we’re pleased to announce the launch the newly re-designed, mobile-responsive web presence for the parent, Facilities Resource Group, complete with interactive client location map and case study portfolio.

See their bright solutions at FRG

Ecommerce: Minor League, Major Food

March 20th, 2016 by Ima Admin

baseball_suite-300x224Yessir, it’s baseball season once again and time to update over a dozen client’s “SOCS” (suite online catering system) websites.

Team IFI’s SOCS sites are customized for each participating club and allow baseball fans who have rented a game day suite to order online from their club’s catering menu.

Each year we added a few more clubs to the IFI SOCS roster. If your favourite ball club doesn’t offer it yet, have them contact us at the Imagination Factory.

Site Launch: Green Wellness

February 27th, 2016 by Ima Admin

IFIblog_GWL_smWelcome to Green Wellness, Grand Rapids’ home to holistic oils, tinctures, salves, lotions and supplements containing the highest grade of Cannabidiol (CBD), which comes from the NON-psychotropic cannabis plant known as Hemp.

Owners, Jim & Brandy, wanted to put a website to put their holistic products based within reach of people seeking healthier lifestyles and relief from symptoms of disease. They found many of the sites out there selling similar products were garish and appeared to cater to an entirely different audience than they intended.

For this startup business, the team at the Imagination Factory designed their logo, their business cards and their mobile-responsive ecommerce site.

Take a health look at GREEN WELLNESS

Site Launch: Horny’s Big Buck Blend

February 5th, 2016 by Ima Admin

IFIblog_HBBB_smHorny’s Big Buck Blend is a specially formulated blend of all-natural, agricultural grade products and ingredients that is easy for hunters or sports persons to use. It is designed to provide outstanding supplemental nutrition to deer and elk, helping them grow healthier, bigger and heavier antlers.

The business had outgrown its previous site, so they had us develop a full ecommerce, mobile-responsive, content managed structure (CMS) where the public and potential resellers could buy his unique product.

Grow more bone with HORNY’S

Sounds cool. Tell me more!

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