(616) 356-2545 15 Ionia Ave. SW, Suite 220 - Grand Rapids, MI 49503

Branding: Ridge Quest

September 20th, 2014 by Ted Bailey

RQI_logos2After a successful launch of their new website, the folks over at Ridge Quest, well known Michigan crop consultants, came back to us for the design of the logos for their two new products – Deploy™ & Tangler™ CM.

Ridge Quest continues to gain worldwide recognition in the field. They provide comprehensive solutions in crop production, pest management, fertility, product development and agricultural engineering.

Branding: Lux-Evo – A Cut Above

September 12th, 2014 by Ted Bailey

LUX-CUTSHTAlthough many clients initially contact us to design their web presence, they often find other projects for us to do. Such is the case with Lux-Evo, a LED manufacturer in Holland, MI. Following the design and launch of their new web site, they asked us to design and produce product specification sheets, often call cut sheets.

Cut sheets are generally a bit more technical in nature and will often include not just product photos but technical illustrations as well as detailed product data for architects, engineers, contractors developing or re-designing projects that might use these products.

Site Launch: Century Hardware

August 15th, 2014 by Ted Bailey

IFIblog_CHDWR_smWith a tradeshow looming, Century Hardware, unhappy with the limitations of their existing site, came to the Imagination Factory for help. Their list of wants was extensive.

The site needed to be mobile responsive and retina display friendly; it needed to have integrated ecommerce with multi-level wholesale/retail pricing as well as the ability to accept POs and generate invoices and accept credit card payments online; it needed to be able to restrict quantities for select products and provide control over the online customers (who can buy wholesale, at what rate, who can use POs, etc).

The site needed to allow users to filter the products against numerous criteria (including finish, function, style, size, etc.) and it needed to allow the user to save their own wishlist of items for later use; it also was to include a ‘find a dealer’ function and a interactive flip-book (both also mobile friendly); and oh yeah… it eventually needs to be multi-lingual ready (with chinese and spanish targeted languages).

Quite a tall order, but you may visit Century’s new site and see it in action.

Branding: Banners Aren’t Just for Web Ads

May 16th, 2014 by Ted Bailey

AMMOAM_banners_smContrary to popular current belief, banners aren’t just for advertising on other websites or for the top of facebook, twitter, or other social media sites. Banners have their place in the real world as well. You’ll find them in tradeshow booths, hanging from buildings or in their lobby, gymnasium walls, outer fences at ball games, dasher boards at hockey arenas, stuck in the grass along the street and competition finish lines.

Banners come in all sizes, orientations and materials. You’ll find them made out of silkscreened fabric as well as printed or cut out of vinyl. Over the years we’ve produced tall ones, short ones, fat ones, skinny ones, fabric ones, vinyl ones, three-sided ones, even lenticular ones (curious what that is, ask us!). They’re not only an art form, there’s a science to their design – for example…

Question: On a vertical banner should the type read from top down or bottom up?

Answer: It can depend on where and how it’ll be used as well as the material is made of. But then, that’s why you’d hire us to design one for you.

Here are just two recent ones designed for Athletic Mentors & Team OAM Now.

Site Launch: Team OAM Now

May 2nd, 2014 by Ted Bailey

IFIblog_OAM_smMichigan’s Premier Multisport Team, Team OAM NOW, is comprised of athletes competing in cycling, triathlon, running and Nordic skiing throughout the calendar year, with additional objectives to create a healthier community and develop young athletes in sports that are not typically available in the school system.

For 2014, Athletic Mentors has teamed up with OAM NOW, a provider of Urgent Orthopedic Care and supported by the OAM Sports Medicine Institute, both operated by Orthopedic Associates of Michigan, to bring its message to the community.

When it came time to develop the team site, Team OAM Now came to the geeks at the Imagination Factory, who had helped Athletic Mentors develop its brand identity as well as its own coaching and training-focused site.

Visit Team OAM Now Visit Athletic Mentors

Site Launch: Matsch Systems

March 20th, 2014 by Ted Bailey

IFIblog_MSI2_smMatsch Systems, an IT and telemanagment company since the late 70’s, has expanded its focus to include VOIP, and SIP systems, wireless management, and customized IT billing software. They now have easy-to-install SaaS based services that work with most telecommunications and UC platforms.

To promote their new offerings, Matsch decided that their marketing for 2014 needed a complete overhaul. So, they came to the Imagination Factory for new marketing collateral, tradeshow exhibit materials AND a revamped, mobile responsive web site.

Visit Matsch Systems

Branding: CTMAX

November 7th, 2013 by Ted Bailey


Recently our client, CTMAX, participated in a large wellness fair in Connecticut with both a booth exhibit and as well as a featured speaker.

This, of course, mobilized us to develop a sundrie of items to assist them in telling their story. The custom materials we were able to pull together for them included:

    • Vinyl Banner
    • Speaker Topic Poster
    • Presentation Jacket
    • Powerpoint Slide Show
    • Web-based Digital Video


  • Promotional Item: Lip Balm

This meant not only creating the art for several printers but in multiple sizes and resolutions for several different media yet with consistent results.

If your designer isn’t doing this for you, give us a call.

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