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Does Color Matter?

November 15th, 2017 by Ima Admin

Of course color matters! But I’m not talking about polarizing protest slogans. I’m talking about color and design.

Back in the day, designing in color was simpler – from 1905 to 1935 Crayola only gave us eight (8) colors. Now just look at all the choices in your crayon box. Lawrence Herbert saw how difficult it was for designers to communicate the language of color, so he bought the printing company, Pantone, and set things in motion to change that. Even Pantone started with just 10 colors in the early 60’s, but today has just short of 1,900 colors defined. X-Rite bought Pantone in 2007 for $180 million, so I’m safe to say that color is important!

Dorothy opened her eyes and followed a Yellow Brick Road to arrive at the Emerald City, then clicked her Ruby Red slippers to go home. Color can be used to create a sense of urgency, move us along in a direction, and provide us with information.

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