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Bright Ideas

News: Inspiration or Desperation?

October 15th, 2016 by Ima Admin

time for changeChange happens for usually one of two reasons: inspiration or desperation.

Clients wanting to have us design that first website are generally inspired, sometimes desperate to finally get online. Re-designing an existing site is often an act of desperation over a failed site or sometimes is inspired by positive changes in the clients’ business.

BTW, we look at a bad website not necessarily as a failure, just an educational experience that might not have turned out so well.
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News: What’s the ACA Have to Do with Your Website?

October 1st, 2016 by Ima Admin

ACA_180x180So you’ve probably heard of the ACA (Affordable Care Act), right? What about Section 1557 regulations and how it could affect your website?

Who knows that the deadline to have the required non-discrimination taglines, statements and notices (in the top 15 languages unique to YOUR state) posted in your office, on your primary marketing materials AND your website was October 16th, 2016?
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News: Threemendous

September 20th, 2016 by Ima Admin

Three fingersToday’s news update is brought to you by the number three. We hear many times that a whole lot of ‘things’ come in three’s.

Celebrities seem to die in three’s

Religion has the Father, Son, & Holy Ghost

In writing, things that come in three are funnier, more satisfying, more effective.

…Three Little Pigs, …Three Musketeers, …Friends, Romans, Countrymen

And a few of you may even remember, the cold war slogan …Duck, Cover and Roll.
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