(616) 356-2545 15 Ionia Ave. SW, Suite 220 - Grand Rapids, MI 49503

What If?

September 27th, 2021 by Ima Admin

Many of America’s greatest innovations began with the big question, “What if…?” and the solutions were even bigger. Virtually every business, large and small started with the question, “What if…?” Often one ‘what if’ leads to other ‘what ifs’.

Let’s assume that your initial ‘what if’ led you to start a business, but your current ‘what if’ has you on the fence about the need for a website. Let me save you some time – you need one. A good one. Professionally designed to catch leads, increase sales, tell your story, differentiate you from the others – regardless of your industry. Want to know why?
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Historical or Hysterical

July 22nd, 2018 by Ima Admin

Is your web site Historical or Hysterical?

There are a number of things that go into designing a successful website or any marketing piece, whether it’s a restaurant menu, a billboard, an advertisement, a sales flyer, or a tradeshow banner.

Its easy to point to appropriate use of colors, the fonts used, putting things (such as the logo or navigation) where people will see and use it, or using a CALL TO ACTION (CTA) to generate interest.

But all that is really informed by YOUR customers. What works best for one company and its customers might not be best for you and yours.
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Is Your Website Making Cold Calls?

March 21st, 2018 by Ima Admin

While most of us hate making COLD CALLS ourselves, we allow our websites to do it with abandon.

We know that if our prospecting strategy is to simply log in to the customer relationship (CRM) database and start randomly ‘smiling and dialing’, our sales will be low and frustrations will be high.

Many of the best companies will provide their sales team the proper tools they need and their successful top sales pros will have multiple “opening value statements” crafted, practiced and memorized for different types of sales calls to different types of customers and the varied potential objections they might have.
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Visibility Credibility Profitability

March 7th, 2018 by Ima Admin

I might be biased, but it’s hard to imagine a reason for any company of any size not to have a website.

As a multi-year member of BNI (Business Network International), when you think about BNI’s VCP (Visibility/Credibility/Profitability) process, having a website is a no-brainer. If you are unfamiliar, the key concept in BNI’s referral marketing is relationships. Referral marketing works because these relationships work both ways: They benefit both parties.
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Neuroscience and Storytelling

January 25th, 2018 by Ima Admin

What’s Neuroscience and Storytelling Got to Do With My Website?

Let’s take a quick look at a few recent studies.

A Harvard University study determined that 95% of decision-making is subconscious and usually not logical. Neuroscientists know that certain chemicals (neurotransmitters) in our brains are responsible for those reward-motivation / fight-or-flight decisions.

A Content Marketing Institute survey revealed that almost 82% of marketers believe that “engaging and compelling storytelling” is by far the most important element to ensure effective content.

The London School of Business and Management found that customer retention for a properly-told story is 1400% higher as compared to just delivering facts and figures.
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Site Redesign: Imagination Factory

January 30th, 2017 by Ima Admin

jugglingIt’s finally here! The new IFI site. During 2016, Team IFI launched ~20 new client sites (several quite large with an extensive list of features); We ghost blogged through the year for six clients; We managed SOCS, our Suite Online Catering System, for a dozen minor league baseball ballclubs around the country; We handled the tradeshow support needs (design of trinkets, handouts, posters, banners, A/V shows, even tailgate flags) for several clients; We designed / produced numerous direct mail campaigns for several clients totaling over 200,000 postcards (mail merged and EDDM); we handled Adwords campaigns for a couple retained clients; we designed a variety of new logos, business cards, and newsletters for several clients; and we managed site (and server) updates/upgrades for over 50 managed client sites.

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The Impact of the Web

May 4th, 2008 by Ted Bailey

It Really IS a Small World…

No, we’re not selling Disney soundtracks now. But, an interesting thing happened to us recently that we wanted to share with you. It illustrates very well how the Web CAN and IS changing how we ALL do business.

On a Tuesday nite recently, we received an email that, at first glance appeared to be junk email. Upon closer inspection, we realized that the email’s author was requesting pricing on custom T-shirts… NOT attempting to sell us shirts. The emailer wanted “something with a print and some words on it”, but provided sparce additional detail. Unfortunately, her ‘reply to’ email address (the one that you originally put in your preferences of your email program) was inaccurate, so it took a little effort that nite to determine the correct one and reply. She was happy that we did as no one else she had contacted had replied. Read the rest of this entry »

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